Friday, April 27, 2012

This has been the hardest post to write, it seems to be a period in this semester where I am learning more and more, I am taking in feedback, and have been recieving the hardships of leadership.  The inner-personal as well as the group dynamics.  What does it mean to approach one another wth respect for the other, while still being true to ourselves and speaking up for what we need?  What I most want to write about is Machu Picchu, although what feels honest is this insaine growing spurt I have been entagled with. In the midst of having more than ten parents present for the Inca trail, as well as my lovely boss/teacher/motivation in town for such an adventure, we have also been engaging in a group analysis of how to make our program most supportive for everyone.  With the presence of parents combined with the spiritual journey of the Inca Trail it seems our students have spoken, and as treachers we are recieving the inevitable honesty aloud through third party sources.

Skipping past the details I have learned more and more about my ability to take in constructive feedback, and adjust my teaching and leadership methods.  I have taken responsibilty and also felt an incredible power within the group, enough to ask for help, hoping each member will speak up for their needs and hopes of me instead of hiding in the percieved fear of intimidation or judgement.  As I have remembered from my own father, and shared with the girls, "This is one of my most incredible learning experience, just like you.  I am learning and as much as I am your teacher, you are mine, I cannot become a better teacher and leader without the input of those who I am influencing, please help me become the best that I can be."  This learning experience and direct conversation between our group has encouraged me to accept the role of Logistics Director for this fall semester with The Traveling School through South East Africa. I will be going back to the land I was originally inspired by, in a role I a, rather intimidated by, although know I can learn life lessons from.  I am encouraged to use my motivation with this experience to manifest directly in the next semester.

Hold on tight this blog will continue into the near future! Thanks for following, I am encouraged by your presence.