Wednesday, March 28, 2012

TTS Girl Problems

Our group is keeping a list of non-traditional "problems", its cracks us up in the moment, and we thought we would share with all who are interested in our journeys.  Enjoy Helen's list:

"Traveling School Girl Problems"

"There is a chicken in our bedroom eating our bananas..."
"My foot just got stepped on by a toucan..."

"Putting on a skirt and earrings- it´s like prom!"
"Can I borrow your Nalgene? I need to brush my teeth..."
"This is clean, I've only worn it three times..."
"This cabina doesn't have Magnum bars? Somewhere else then..."
"Hiking boots kinda look like combat boots with my skirt..."
"When's snack?"
"Run! Maybe you can make it to the shower while it's still lukewarm!"
"My boots just got cleaner from stepping in a mud puddle..."
"Watch your camera carefully- the monkeys might take it..."
"Has the water in this juice been purified?"
"Why do I feel so exposed? Oh, my knees are showing..."
"7:30 breakfast? Yes, I can't wait to sleep in!"
"I don´t think I'm able to sleep in that late (8:00)...."
"Is my rain cover tucked in?"
"Cesar said to run over this part of the trail or the army ants will eat you!"
"I'm out of Pink Lemonade Emergen-C..."
"I just ate three courses of starches..."
"I thought 98.11% DEET would be enough!"
"Do we get P.E. credit for whitewater rafting?"
"My nose itches after being cured of bad spirits by a shaman and a rain forest leaf..."
"I just wrung-out my Gore-Tex jacket..."
"Can I borrow your headlamp to find my headlamp?"
"Pass the rice...."
"Turn off your headlamp! I can't see the glow-in-the-dark mushrooms!"
"Scoot over, you're hogging the inner tube..."
"My Tupperware is at the bottom of my big pack..."
"Do you have hand sani on you?"
"I need more Con Bro Chill time..."
"The chocolate just fell off my Magnum bar..."
"My face just got clothes-lined by a mosquito net..."
"Wait, the ocelot is under that bush? I can't see it..."